load plot2.txt
x = plot2 (:,1);
y = plot2 (:,2);
plot(x,y, 'r', 'Linewidth', 2)
title('Magnetization plot of 5x5')
ylabel ('Absolute value of Magnetization |M|')
xlabel ('Temperatuire (T)')
load plot2.txt
load plot2.txt
x = plot2 (:,1);
y1 = plot2 (:,2);
y2 = plot2 (:,3);
y3 = plot2 (:,4);
y4 = plot2 (:,5);
plot(x, y1, 'r', x, y2, 'm', x, y3, 'g', x, y4, 'b',
'Linewidth', 2)
title('Specific heat plot of of four lattice sizes')
ylabel ('Specific heat (Cv)')
xlabel ('Temperatuire (T)')